

2017: a year in lists

Since everyone is doing it, then so am I. #original. 2017 was a huge year for me, in a lot of ways. emotionally, physically, etc. but that's heavy stuff for another day. today I'm going to share with you guys a list of things that are nice, that made me happy this year so that we can start off the new year on a good note. and ofcourse I had to make lists, because they make me feel accomplished.

list #1 (books)

1. A Darker Shade Of Magic by V.E Schwab (just schwab in general, I love her)
2.Bone Gap by Laura Ruby ( so much pretty so much character much wow)
3. All The Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater (ie QUEEN)
4. Three Daughters of Eve by Elif Shafak
5. I'll Give You The Sun
6.Sofia Khan is Not Obliged by Ayisha Malik  (#ownvoices, #relateable af, #funnaf GO READ IT)

list # 2 (book characters)
1. KELL FROM ADSOM OMG #kellfrowned and that was that
2. Sofia Khan from Sofia Khan is not Obliged (much hijabi Muslim sass much relate)
3. Lilah from ADSOM
4. everyone from adsom
5. everyone from All The Crooked Saints

list # 3 (authors)
1. let me just begin
2. by saying
3. (typing?) much
5. I love
6.maggie stiefvater
7. and Victoria/V.E. Schwab
8. And Cassandra Clare

9. (a lot)
10. but moving on from queens let's focus on other authors I've discovered this year.
11. Laura Ruby
12. Jandi Nelson
well that's that the list was short lmao

list #4  (bloggers)
1. Aimee Meester @timeforaimeesopinion
2. Cait @paperfury
3. kris @lemon-notes
4. May @foreverandeverly

every time I open up these people's blogs, I get inspired, and I want to blog. you guys rock!

list #5 (writing)
1.I started my novel ( technically I started plotting/planning in 2016 but sheesh get out of my face will you)
2. wrote less than I wanted to
3.wrote nonetheless
4. incorporated some thingssss
5. wrote scenes that surprised me too lol

list #6 (real life)
1. moved
2. changed schools
3. new friends
4. got a scholarship  (for school)
5. I really like my coordinator she's like a mom
6. learned German and gave an exam
7. learned that maybe keeping my mouth shut is a lot better
8. saw the emotionally abusive traits manifest in someone I had just met and cut them off and kind of had my heart broken LET'S MOVE ON
9. Realized that some friendships last no matter what and I am so, so grateful to have that. shout out to my best friends, ily.

this year was a lot of changes and a lot of growth. I feel like I've learnt a lot, but also like I've just begun, you know?
what about you guys? what are your top lists of 2017? I WANT TO KNOWWW

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